
Involve those who will be Affected: need to make sure to solicit the upfront involvement of People affected by the problem or its solution and People with expertise in the subject matter. ​

Focus on the Root Causes i.e. Make the affected parties revisit the significant root causes to get to a solution. Then, pick an Idea Generation Technique.

Key techniques used for idea generation and synthesis are: ​



Assumption Busting

Idea Generation Techniques


Brain-writing is a technique used to generate many ideas in a short period of time.​

Two key modified brainstorming techniques used are Brain-writing 6-3-5 and Constrained Brain-writing.​

Brainwriting 6-3-5

The name brain-writing 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6 people write 3 ideas in 5 minutes on a pre-defined parameter. ​

Constrained Brain-writing

The name-constrained brain-writing comes from the fact that on certain occasions the team may want to have a set of constrained ideas around a pre-determined focus, rather than ranging freely (for example, no capital investment).


​Process benchmarking is a technique of continually searching for the best methods, practices, and processes, and either adopting or adapting their good features and implementing them to become the “best of the best”.​

Assumption Busting

​Assumption busting as a technique is used to trace back from the current performance problems to identify rules and then surface underlying assumptions.​

The key steps involved in assumption busting are:

Revisit the current problem at hand. ​

Identify the rule(s) responsible for the problem.​

Trace the rule(s) back to an assumption in the process.​

Test to break the assumption – Is it wrong from the start? Or, Can it be made untrue? ​


Waste Identification (TIMWOODS)


Documenting Processes