Theory of Constraints
Understanding the theory of constraints is detrimental to the business. It is a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor that stands in the way of achieving a goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no longer the limiting factor. Typically, we call the constraint a bottleneck.
Human Performance as a Root Cause
Understanding what errors or defects occur is a must to be able to fix those issues. It is the essence of continuous improvement; you want a culture that celebrates errors found to be able to improve them.
How to be a good facilitator!
Think about the worst meeting you went to and what that facilitator did. I am going to assume it was boring, monotone, and didn’t have the proper incentives.
Visual Management Leadership
Using a visual management board to speak on daily metrics and quality opportunities helps improve production as well as colleague engagement. Whether it is setting up a physical board or a virtual board that is shared electronically, this tool gives you visibility to see if your team is doing well or needs help.